Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1: Success

So today wasn't a complete failure! That's a start, right? There were a few times where I had to pull my hand back from grabbing those snacks that my co-workers put out. I do it too...I put stuff out that I just want to get rid of so I don't eat the last ever loving piece of...but seriously...it needs to stop.

Like they say, breakfast starts the day off right. So I attempted to lower my cholesterol by having some oatmeal, a smidgen of brown sugar and a handful of fresh blueberries. After having cereal for months on end, it was quite nice having a change of pace.

Oatmeal. Let's face it, steel cut oats are really fantastic. But who has time? I opted for the rolled oats...the semi-lazy version. I was lucky enough to have someone send me a crock-pot recipe for steel cut oats that I'm going to have to try. I'll keep you posted on that (no pun intended. haha)

Lunch. I talked about my intentions last post and I think it mostly came through. My evaluation: B. The middle was fantastic, but the bread fell apart a little. The flavor of the bread was really good...and it was slightly dense, just how I like it. I ate the whole thing, so it must not have been that bad. Can we just think about the awesomeness of roasted red peppers...fresh roasted red peppers....mmmmmm! Delish!

A coworker (who knows I am doing the blog) asked me what I was eating. I told her and she said "That's tofu? Oh, it looks like chicken." It may seem odd, but I take that as a compliment.

As I was preparing for dinner tonight, I realized that I need to start writing things down so I don't forget what I meant to put in something. I was also thinking about portions. Cooking for one person can be difficult because recipes more often than not make a large amount. With that being said, I have always made a large batch of something Sunday evening and then have the leftovers for lunch (and sometimes dinner) all week! I feel that I need to make an effort not to do that so I can get the most out of the experience. So...my resolution for this week: split the ingredients I bought for the risotto and force myself into making two separate meals out of them (without going back to the store for more stuff). I think I did it...so look for something new on Thursday!

OK...risotto. This turned out really good. I used the vegetable stock that I made on Sunday (good call!) and added in all the flavors that I wanted to go together. The only thing I would do differently is not add any salt to the recipe until the cooking was about half-way finished. My stock was salted and I added 1 teaspoon of Kosher salt. It may not be for others, but it was just a bit much for me (plus I really like to monitor my sodium intake). Here's the recipe (enough for 2-3 servings...but could easily double):

4C vegetable stock
1 bay leaf
2T olive oil
1/2C shallots
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/2t dried rosemary
1t dried thyme
1/4t white pepper
1/4t cinnamon
1/2t Kosher salt (may want to wait on this one)
4oz wild mushrooms
1C Arborio rice
3oz spinach (rough chopped)
dash of truffle oil when plated

In medium stockpot, bring stock and bay leaf to slow boil. Keep the stock hot at all times until it is gone.

Heat saucepan, then saute shallots and garlic until shallots are translucent. Add all spices, salt and pepper and saute for another minute. Add mushrooms and saute until they start giving off their liquid. Add Arborio rice and let "brown" for 2-3 minutes (stirring frequently so it doesn't burn). At this point it is time to start adding in the stock. Add 1C (or one ladle full) at a time, allowing the rice to soak up the stock before adding more. It will go quickly for the first few cups. Stick with it and keep stirring...this allows the risotto to become nice and creamy! Keep adding the stock until it is gone and has been incorporated into the rice. Turn heat off, add spinach and let it wilt into the mixture.

Once plated, add a few drops of truffle oil. Enjoy!

If you don't have the white pepper or the truffle oil, you'll survive. If you do have them...use them. You'll be forever hooked! The white pepper adds a nice quick and unexpected heat that black pepper just doesn't have. And the truffle oil...its an expensive little bottle, but you'll have it for a really long time!

Tomorrow might be a snow/ice day for me (fingers crossed!)...so I might have some time to experiment!

That's all for now. Off to enjoy a glass of wine and relax for a bit.


  1. Looks great Scot! You're like a PA Pioneer Woman :)

  2. mmm. reminds me of that AMAZING dinner we had in NYC. Lets go back... in March of course :)

  3. *Sigh*....wish I were there to enjoy that fantastic looking meal with you!

    In your honor I'm making that squash/hominy/pea stew this week, and changing up the ingredients! And it'll be veggie-style: giddy up!

  4. Sooo...this vegetable rodeo, are you a practicing vegetarian or is this something new for you?

    I commend your efforts. I love to cook and eat all kinds of food! Will be fun to follow your adventure!

    I just started compiling my favorite recipes today. I'm too lazy to blog about it. :-)

  5. I switched over to a vegan diet in October of 2008. I only did it as a challenge and for the health factor. Turned out I really loved it and have been primarily cooking vegan since. From time to time I will break from the strictness...but definitely feel better when I say away from the meat and dairy (although I'm a sucker for wings and cheese...)

    So, this was a way to get back on track and challenge myself a little more by not using recipes and making things fresh.

  6. One more thing...the risotto looks awesome!

  7. it would be interesting if you documented how you're feeling as you progress in re-establishing your vegan diet. weight loss, mood shifts, energy levels, etc. i know that's not the purpose of the blog, but i wanna know!

    i love that you're doing this.
